
Feb 23, 2013

Kinds of blue

Detail of Blue by Yves Klien

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We're down in the dumps today and so we're listening to the same old blues again. Well, we're not actually depressed, but we are listening to playlist with blue as a theme.
  1. Blue Bones    John Renbourn    John Renbourn    1965    Transatlantic
  2. Blues For The Muse    Incredible String Band    The 5000 Spirits Or The Layers Of The Onion    1967    Elektra
  3. Blues Tomorrow    Abaddon    7"    1969    Golden Voice
  4. Blue Wednesday Speaks    Abstract Truth    Totum    1971   
  5. Blue Ridge Mountains    Townes Van Zandt    High, Low and In Between    1972    Tomato
  6. Blue Jeans And Moonbreams    Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band    Blue Jeans And Moonbeams    1974    Virgin
  7. Blue Rosebuds    The Residents    Duck Stab/Buster & Glen    1977    Ralph
  8. Blue Thunder    Galaxie 500    On Fire    1989    Rough Trade
  9. Blue Rhythm Festival    Piero Piccioni    Easy Tempo Vol. 1:  A Cinematic Easy Listening Experience    1997    Easy Tempo
  10. Blue Monday    New Order    Blue Monday 12"    2001   
  11. Blue Note    Alan Hawkshaw    Mo'Hawk    2003    KPM
  12. Blue Honey    Pop Levi    The Return To Form Black Magick Party    2007    Counter
  13. Why Are We Sleeping?    Soft Machine    The Soft Machine    1968    ABC/Probe

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